If after publishing you can still see your old web pages
or you are receiving an error message the server could not complete your
publishing request or FrontPage server extensions may not be installed,
please check the following:
It could be your Microsoft Internet explorer browser is still caching
your old pages, try clicking your Internet Explorer browser refresh
button next to address bar or alternatively press function key "F5" in
browser window.
You can also set your Internet browser to check
for newer versions upon each visit to a page; although this helps you may
still find you need to click the refresh button. To change this setting in
Internet Explorer click Tools, in the General TAB, in Browsing History,
click Settings, under heading "Check for newer versions of stored pages",
select "Every time I visit the webpage". We also recommend you set your
disk space cache to 250MB.

We also, recommend you enable tick "Empty Temporary Internet Files folder when
browser is closed" in Tools, Advanced.

Your Internet browser could be using a proxy which is caching pages to
resolve this check your browser settings in Tools, Internet Options,
Connections TAB, LAN settings, that you are not using a proxy and all tick
boxes are clear on that page.

To check Mozilla Firefox, Click Tools,
Options, Advanced, Network TAB, and Connection Settings, make sure you are
using direct connection to the Internet.